You get anxious in training thinking about the competition.
You get anxious before hard training thinking about the hard training. You get anxious just before competition, thinking about the difficulty or duration of the competition. You get anxious mid-way, thinking about the pending outcome. You get anxious afterwards, thinking about the next event. I know all of these feeling well. So do you. Now ask yourself, which one of those anxieties, have ANYTHING to do with WINNING & LOSING... The Moment Everybody says it "Live in the moment, be in the moment, enjoy the moment, etc." It has been said so many times that I think we have become immune to the statement. We hear it, we nod, we agree, we move on and forget about it. Some have thought deeply. Most have not. The problem is, it is EXACTLY what we need. When people focus on "The Moment", they usually think it's about focusing on NOW, without any thought of past or future. This isn't necessarily true. The past and future play a major role in your ability to be in "The Moment." The past and future affect your performance in "The Moment". However, "The Moment" is the time in which all matters will be decided and accomplished. Things will get done, or not done, finished or not finished. It is the pivotal time when the past collides with time to move into the future. This makes "The Moment", the MOST essential. HERE IS HOW TO USE IT IN COMPETITION... The match is looming The training is over. The event is now. The anxiety is at an all time high. Negative self talk is battling against positive self talk in an epic duel. You didn't sleep well the night before. You may have come close to or actually vomiting your breakfast from nerves. Now STOP...Ask yourself if any of this anxiety has anything to do with winning? You have made it to the event. Regardless of what supplements you took, how well your training went, how well you slept the night before...At this point, you are either going to DO IT or NOT DO IT. A good training camp will DEFINITELY play a major role. But, once the event starts, it means almost NOTHING. You could've had the best training, but nerves beat you. You could've had terrible training and somehow pulled off a victory. I have had some of my best matches with NO training. Some of my worst when I had INCREDIBLE training. The problem During Training Camp
The solution Put yourself at ease. It is a lot simpler than you are making it. The tournament/fight will come. You are going to WIN or LOSE. It may be TOUGH. It may be EASY. Here is the deal, are you going to DO IT or NOT DO IT? You are going to do it. Put it into your brain that you will finish no matter what. Even if you don't finish or the outcome isn't what you expected, at a certain point, you have LITTLE CONTROL. All you can truly do is, train your best, one day at a time. Eat sensibly. Sleep as good as you can. When the competition comes, go out there and be present in "The Moment". Realize that the past (training) has something to do, but at that present time, nothing to do with finishing, winning or losing. Realize that the future (results/post match) will never be in your favor if you aren't focused second by second and inch by inch on what you have to do. After 19 yearsEach day I am thankful for so many reasons. Each tough training session, I look forward to the difficulty. I embrace it with LITTLE focus on afterwards or before. If I allow the thought of the difficulty creep into my head prior, I will not be effective in training. If I focus on the length and duration during, it will sap my will and energy. I enter training with a curiosity. I go into the match with a humble acceptance of what could happen and I realize that my past helped, but now is what I need. My willingness to accept any future outcome is based upon the fact that "I don't know" what it will be. Will I get hurt, will I lose, will I win? Did I do enough, did I prepare, did I warm up well enough? I don't know. What I know is this..I am here. I am going to do it. I am going to push. I am going to accept fear, understand it and bring it with me while I CRUSH this competition. I don't know if I'm ready, I don't know if I will win... I do know that I'm here and I'm THANKFUL that I GET to compete. I'm always going to do it, regardless of anything else. I might as well stop worrying about before and after and accept the HERE and NOW. We could leave this earth even quicker than we arrived. Pain is fleeting, victorious feelings will be blurred and forgotten. What matters is now... Eddie Fyvie ||
"If you want to master FEAR, do all of your practice in hell." - Unknown
One life Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are here on earth ONCE. In that time frame, we need to cram as much life out of life as possible. There is nothing more empowering than overcoming a fear, beating the odds, or conquering adversity. It changes you. It gives closure to anxieties and pressures. It gives you a sense of relief and feeling of victory. In this life, I have learned that... Complacency is the quickest way to catastrophe. Challenge yourself to be better. To be tougher. Be willing to put in the work. It is ALWAYS worth it in the end. We have limited time. In that limited time, do everything your heart desires. Dogged persistence and determination will get you there. Even if you fail, you will never feel as if you failed. Moments of weakness = Teachable moments Every time I find myself saying... "I hate ______", I do it IMMEDIATELY. What you hate is usually what you NEED. To build strength, we need the tenacity and the grit to build upon our weaknesses. Starting out weak, is sometimes the most difficult part. It always feels impossible at first when you get started. As a child, I did not have it easy by any stretch of the imagination. All I had, was a sense of self belief and self motivation to get more out of life. I did not have the resources or all the tools. I learned one thing VERY quickly, when you have an end goal and you are going for it, there will be times in preparation where your mind might say "I don't want to". When you feel of hear that weakness in your conscience, do what you don't want to, IMMEDIATELY. That is the perfect time. Goal smasher This may sound arrogant, but, I have conquered so many goals and feel so complete in my life that I am starting to make up random goals to accomplish. I have NO goal bucket list. I have completed the list. So now I must create more goals to avoid complacency. None of it was easy and I am not special or gifted. I was born with a clubbed foot, in the middle of a ghetto, beaten up daily for not fitting the demographic, and not knowing if there was a way out. I knew one thing, dogged persistence, grit, survival. Nothing could stop me, if I didn't stop. I changed my thinking early on and I realized that doing what was always fun or enjoyable, usually wasn't helped me reach the unthinkable goal. Doing what I wanted at the moment in place of what I needed, never helped me get what I wanted. Learn to love doing the things that you hate. Find joy within the struggle and comfort through pain. Right now, I own a Jiu-Jitsu school and have a BUSY life, but I feel the need to prepare, train, and compete in ULTRA marathons. I am making up goals. I am making up painful ones. I still need to find out what I am made of. Plus, if I am going to lead by example, I need to create an example. If I am going to ask others to give me their best effort, I need to know what the depths are before I ask them to "dive in". You will always REGRET not doing instead of doing. Try, and then try again. When you don't want to, that is when you should. If you don't think you can...stop thinking and start moving. Trust's not easy, but you can. Eddie Fyvie || |