Looking For More...You can Curl, Press, and Squat weights to change the structure of your body. You can read, go to therapy, and meditate to change the structure of your mind. But what can you do on a daily basis that triggers your internal growth? Is there something m that makes you feel synchronized with the world; even for just moments in time? Some of you might understand that state of effortless flow. When time slows down, things seem to be working and you move away from conscious thought, into an unconscious state that feels as if you are operating outside of yourself. This feeling is almost impossible to articulate. We feel it, but we don’t understand it completely. So what can you do on a semi-daily basis to BUILD UP your mind, body, and spirit (soul)? Your AnswerlYou can do Jiu-Jitsu. You can exert yourself physically. And not only as an exercise, but in a way that is transforming who you are now, into the ideal form of who you want to be. We walk in the door on our first day with hope in our eyes. Hopeful that you can transcend the space in time you live in now, and travel beyond your insecurities to live in a world where YOU have control. So many things are about to change... You will stimulate your mind as you try and remember the details of each technique. You will start finding that you lay there at night restless while you replay the moments from hours earlier on the mat. Situations that once were stressful, are manageable. Situations where you normally lose your patience, are leveled out by your new found composure. Boundaries that you could not set in your personal life, because you lacked the confidence to uphold the boundaries, are now solidified and under your control. Be ConnectedWhen the physical practice aligns with mental stimulation...you feel a feeling that is outside of your senses. This is where your soul is being trained. The inner part of you that drives your intuition. The inner part of you that knows when something feels right, even when it’s unexplainable.
The moments in your life when you are challenging yourself in away that is just above your comfort level. When someone asks you what happened and you can’t quite describe it. Not because you were in a state of shock, but because you were present with what you were doing. Like an animal, who is focused on its prey. Focused on nothing but instincts and survival. Free and devoid of anxiety and other emotions. Their reactions times are counted in milliseconds, fully present. This is where Jiu-Jitsu develops the soul. It goes FAR BEYOND what you initially think. Something fun to do...some self-defense...some exercise...becomes something that allows you to FEEL what it feels like to be alive. People come to our academy and can’t quite explain what they are looking for or what they want. But they know they need something. Disconnect from what you think and connect to what actually is. Jiu-Jitsu transforms people. Be willing to accept that who you are today is not who you are going to be in months/years. You will finally be able to see your potential with 20/20 vision. Jiu-Jitsu trains your body. Jiu-Jitsu develops your mind. Jiu-Jitsu helps you FIND your SOUL. See you on the mats. - Eddie