Summer Santa Jiu-Jitsu Offering
We are offering you the chance to Jolly yourself up in June/July and give a friend 1 month of Jiu-Jitsu Classes for only $59 or a BFF package of $109 for 3 months of Jiu-Jitsu.
Channel your inner 🎅🤶 and give them something that will change their life forever. We all have that friend who we know could use Jiu-Jitsu, but might need the initial incentive to start.
- Gift: A special ability to do something. -
For most people/activities; being Gifted, is something that comes natural. An ability, you were "given".
Practitioners of Jiu-Jitsu quickly realize how this Art CREATES and bestows upon you a special ability or a "Gift".
Purchase this pass now and we will send you a digital gift certificate to send your friend. After you give them their Gift, we will help you arrange an appointment to get them into class!